Tuesday, December 8, 2009

the Road to COP15...2days

Today i got some very disappointing news, seems all the hopes and expectations i had for COP15 are going up in flames. UK,US and Denmark have a secret draft agreement which sidelines the developing nations, kicks out Kyoto protocol and weakens the UN's position in climate finance. i though we were having negotiations, fighting hard for the future and being considerate! in this 'secret' draft agreement, the rich are to emit twice as much as the developing and as for mitigation cost...well, lets say there will be a group that will 'benefit', the 'vulnerable developing nations'. what does this mean? aren't we all vulnerable? more on the story;

this is a time for action, our leaders need to stand their ground and make sure that our interests are protected! im furious and VERY disappointed. i hope this doesn't trickle down to next week's summit when the world leaders meet.

I hope our leaders dont forget that we are out in COP15 to 'SEAL THE DEAL!'

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